Author Archives: corney
Tony Ryan – Agents of Change
Well, where to start – maybe with the abstract for the presentation: “Some people just seem to change the world. They consistently make it a more sustainable and inspiring place for the rest of us. For the sake of this … Continue reading
Dr Jack Bacon
Here’s the blurb on Dr Jack who was the opening Keynote for the 2011 ULearn conference in Rotorua: Jack is one of the most requested speakers in the world for topics concerning technology and the factors that shape human society. … Continue reading
Shanghai Learning Summit
What better way to spend a Saturday morning that to head along to CCIS and go to some workshops – this is the Shanghai Learning Summit. A heap of different options were on offer – the ones I attended I’ve … Continue reading
Animate Your Students
Presented by Laura Brown from CCIS. Demo’d some example of student’s work. SAM animation is the app to use. It has a heap of examples of student work on the site. icreatetoeducate website also has examples of student work. We … Continue reading
Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha
This workshop was presented by Samuel Chen. Demo of WolframAlpha website – data is already curated from the Wolfram database. There is a useful intro video on the website and has a mobile app (although you can access the website … Continue reading