AI for your classroom

Image created by “A cartoon image of a student developing AI prompts to help them with their learning. The student is looking confident and the feeling is optimistic.”

This page contains a number of session resources used in a workshop I presented at the Tauranga Innovative Education Summit held at the University of Waikato in Tauranga on Monday 24th of June.

Session Deck:

Table of selected AI Tools:

“If AI can do it, why would I ask the student to do it instead?”

Source: The Fearful Biologist (2024)

“…, plagiarism is not only an issue of student assessment. It is a symptom of a deeply entrenched academic culture that arguably places tangible rewards (grades, diplomas, publications, promotions, grants) above the intrinsic value of learning and knowledge creation.”

Own emphasis added. Source: Bretag (2013)

AI image generators

Prompt: “Create a photorealistic image of students learning using Artificial Intelligence tools.”

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