Author Archives: corney
Cohort-Final Session
So it was now time to present what our group had worked on over the last few sessions: Producgital The aim was to provide a student guide to different digital products. We’ll see if it is useful. Some other resources: … Continue reading
Unconference 4B: 3D virtual worlds in the classroom
I have had a go with using 2nd life in the classroom but with not much success. Hogs a lot of bandwidth and students have to install a client to run it. So I was interested to hear what Bill … Continue reading
Conference 3 – Build the project
First, Melinda and Chris talked through some ideas about encouraging creativity: SCAMPER Ask the reverse Reverse brainstorming Instead of asking, “How do I solve or prevent this problem?” ask “How could I cause this problem?” Suggested resource: , A … Continue reading
Unconference 3: Jon Zurfluch
Jon has been a Tech Director at SCIS and is know a Head of School. He had a conversation about how best to convince administrators about the benefits of technology in the classroom. His advice – don’t justify by a … Continue reading
Conference 2 – Encouraging Curiosity
Activities: 10 questions about….. (a toothbrush – Where was it made? Why are the bristles white? Thing in a jar: what is in there? What is the worst thing that could be in there? What would be the best? [ambiguous … Continue reading