Author Archives: corney
Sharpen the Axe – BIST / GEG Sparkshop
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe” – Abraham Lincoln. In this session you will have a chance to ‘sharpen your axe’ with a range of useful tips … Continue reading
Don’t Panic! Creativity is a process…
As part of the 2019 YIA Awards one of the guest judges, Erik Hay from Weta Workshop, presented to a room full of educators on the creative process. Erik is the Creative Strategy Director at Weta and has a background … Continue reading
App Smash a Mihimihi
Step 1: Complete this form! Loading… Step 2: Check your Inbox for a mint as Mihimihi that you can share, print out, whatevers!! Step 3: Create a multimedia representation of your Mihimihi using any of the below tools. Don’t forget … Continue reading
Google Innovator Academy
So made it into the #SYD19 Google Innovator academy hosted at the Sydney Google office. Major benefit is connecting with some awesome educators. Amazing start to this 3 day event. Here are some brief notes, resources and pictures. After almost … Continue reading
Multimedia Text Sets
Link to session resources MMTS is just for the ‘Explore’ part of the learning. They are not Hyperdocs where students are expected to develop and apply their understanding. Acknowledge source when reusing. ‘Created by xxx, remixed by xxx’, ‘Inspired by … Continue reading