Author Archives: corney
Keynote – Jamie Casap
EdTechTeam has expanded it’s offering of Summits to three in NZ. This is the third one I have attended in Auckland and they are also great value and a good chance to connect with other like minded educators. Here’s my … Continue reading
David Hopkins and Powerful Learning
Professor David Hopkins was hosted by ACEL for a one day workshop in Auckland that I was fortunate enough to attend. David has had a range of educational experience as both a researcher, civil servant involved in policy and as a … Continue reading
What does ethnicity tell us about a learner?
So this article about the ‘only brown kid in the room‘ has been shared by a couple of staff at my school and, combined with this article about how a NZ student still experiences racism got me thinking about that whole thorny issue … Continue reading
#NotAtULearn 2016
Another October holiday rolls around and I haven’t got to attend the great ULearn conference. But, as in previous years, I’ve lurked on social media and have found the following take aways: A post by Mind kits (who must have … Continue reading
Data based decision making – what the literature is saying
The following was submitted as an assignment for a Waikato University paper on Using Evidence for Effective Practise. Education, like many other modern endeavours, is rich with sources of data. But often educators are too busy in the work of … Continue reading