#NotAtULearn 2016

Another October holiday rolls around and I haven’t got to attend the great ULearn conference. But, as in previous years, I’ve lurked on social media and have found the following take aways:

  1. A post by Mind kits (who must have been a vendor) about lesson plans for teaching 3D printing concepts.

2) A great sketch note about levels of engagement.

3) A link to a heap of presentations taking place at the conference. Great to have the community of educators so willing to share.

4) An interesting presentation by Shaun Brooker about how PL fits in with TPACK. Often I find I am just presenting about a particular technology tool (T)Β and how it can be used in class (P) without relating it to content of the S of Special Character.

5) Chinese character for learning – have seen this before and have tried to use it in my class as a way of improving student ‘mindfulness’. I start drawing the symbol on the board when waiting for quiet. If I complete the whole symbol with out the class focusing, their is a whole class consequence. Not sure if the character is actually correct (see Google Translate) but I like the idea.

6) Re-imagine the one size fits all approach of standard school PL with the Pineapple Chart (why Pineapple – apparently it is a symbol for hospitality)

7) I just like this picture….

8) Game of the week (relates to social conformity but I like the Family guy clip)

9) Like this image Β – comes from a report (p 2)on ‘Global competency for an inclusive World‘ published by the OECD.

10) Virtual reality in the classroom – something I want to have more of a crack at (there just doesn’t seem to be enough time….) Maybe I’ll get my classes to make a Google Cardboard at the end of the year.

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