Author Archives: corney
WordPress workshop
Hosted by Michael Boll, this workshop explored uses and development of a WordPress site. Learned how to manipulate themes and was able to upload a new header image! There is also a .css editor to make changes to font styles … Continue reading
ICT Scope and Sequence
I have been signed up to an ECIS ICT forum for the last few years and sometimes it produces some real gems. Here’s a post with links to some resources on ICT curriculum scope and sequence (re-posted with permission from … Continue reading
Mobile marking
Well, a moment of serendipity as I sit in an auditorium waiting for Peter Hessler to give a presentation. Time to kill? Why not do some marking…. Connected to the school’s wi fi network, I logged in to the wiki … Continue reading
Re-desigining Education
While stumbling about on Stumble Upon, I came across the following blog post – Redesigning Education: Rethinking the School Corridor. By a chap called Trung Le, who seems to have a range of views on the design of schools, it’s … Continue reading
Polling in the Classroom
After the random browsing through Apps for the classroom last night, I came across an e-polling application. The functionality of being able to poll students is really useful, for example to quickly check if the class has understood a certain … Continue reading