Web 2.010

Here I am at the Learning 2.010 conference. I’ve signed , up to the ‘Fostering a Culture of Learning and Creativity’ Cohort lead by Melinda Alford & Chris Betcher. What’s the aim?

All kids have these things, but sometimes it just feels like “school” is designed to suppress, rather than encourage, them. These things are messy, and don’t always fit neatly into our nice neat model of teaching and learning.

As educators, how do we ensure that we are nurturing these important traits in our students? What strategies can we use to tap into these important qualities? In particular, how can technology be used to amplify our students’ sense of wonder about the world, and how can it help us connect, communicate and collaborate in richly engaging ways that helps them truly live up to the idea of being a “lifelong learner”?

In this cohort we hope to investigate a wide range of ways that we can continue to bring out the best in our students, and support their natural creativity and innate curiosity.

First good resource of the day came in the first 5 minutes: http://www.boxoftricks.net Paul from Hong Kong mentioned that he tells his students to go to the resources page and just explore! The students are engaged and curiosity leads them to new places.

Video of plan with wing falling off:

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